The Abundance Matrix is our Way Out of Lack

We have an epic opportunity unfolding. 

The current polarization of our collective dialogue into “this or that” thinking is a wake up call to the insanity of the binary mindset of the lack. 

Common sense, experience, and simply taking a look around at the diversity and multitude of different experiences in the world, should make it clear to everyone that life is this AND that (and so much more!).

Humans have a difficult time thinking outside of “this OR that” mindsets because we’ve been raised to believe there is not enough, and therefore something or someone MUST be sacrificed.

We believe sacrifice makes us worthy, and we have a society of people obsessed with sacrificing their desires, instincts, and genius for the reward of social acceptance. 

In our current system, we must prove we are WORTHY to receive by sacrificing whatever the lack matrix tells us will make us “good.” 

The reward punishment system we find ourselves in is non sensical and counter productive to thriving. That’s why we  both accept it daily in our thinking, and fight it adamantly in our “politics.” 

We intuitively understand that it doesn’t work, but we haven’t found a new way to be without it. 

And so war is our default. 

Being “against” something (or someone) is the easiest energy to access on this planet; and the only way to sustain ourselves (in this way) is to keep creating things to fight against.

It’s non sensical. 

In this mindset, we don’t create, we resist. We don’t build, we destroy. We don’t work together, we push apart. We don’t heal, we wound. 

The irony is, humans need relationship, witness, and reflection in order to TRULY correct a mistake and invest the wisdom of their experience. Punishment does not rehabilitate behavior. 

Without Witness, there’s no wisdom. And without wisdom, there’s no direct experience of abundance. 

If our tactic is to punish the things we don’t like or agree with, we create an environment of suppression (one of the most dangerous states to be in). 

Suppression creates monsters and super villains, heroes and victims. And the show must go on!

This is why we don’t develop self trust. It’s why we continue to allow the outside world to dictate to us how to live, what to do, what to say, and how to be.

(And then we go to war with it all, because it doesn’t work!).

Why do we do it?!

I believe it’s because we have a collective mental illness brought about by the ILLUSION that there’s not enough (and the belief that humans are innately “bad” and need to be punished for existing). 

But what if…


What if we are innately worthy of life? 

What if the only thing keeping us from healing + thriving, is our belief that we don’t deserve it?! 

To connect to the natural ebb and flow of energy — to get back in alignment with our TRUE needs — means we must stop hoarding energy out of fear that there’s not enough. 

We need to let go of our ego’s’ obsession with reward/punishment. 

It’s time to establish trust with our creative instincts, so we can build the new world.

Once we let go of the excess worry, thoughts, beliefs, distractions, + obligations created by the owe/earn mentality of lack, we are able to reestablish intimacy with creation.

“Look at the birds of the air.” Jesus said. “For they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26)

When we believe at a core level that we have no innate value or worth, we buy into the lack matrix program that we must “earn” our right to be here and that we innately OWE. 

Earn/owe is the inversion of the “give/receive” nature of creation. 

Give/receive is about alignment with the magnetic force of life. It’s about intimacy with how life FEELS.

Alignment with the give/receive nature gives us direct access to our inheritance: Life Itself.

We already HAVE it. 

We are worthy to be here because we ARE here. 

There is enough. It’s infinite!

We have innate value and worth. 

Why is this so radical to believe?!

If humans believed in their value, our creative energy wouldn’t be manipulated to fuel the lack matrix illusion and the entire corrupt system would fall like the unstable Tower it is. 

We wouldn’t be tangled in shadow contracts that formed through guilt and are reinforced through shame. 

We wouldn’t feel insecure about our identity and out of alignment with our unique creative urge (that we came to express!). 

We wouldn’t ask the outside world to tell us who we are. 

We wouldn’t  hoard energy.

We wouldn’t sacrifice our hearts in favor of war. 

As we regain our creative sovereignty and remember how our creative tech works (hint: we don’t have to sacrifice), we begin to easily and effortless pivot toward our preference.

We give ourselves permission to create and therefore URGE. And urge sustains life. 

In fact, our creative urge is the key to sustainable/renewable energy. 

None of this can happen without a conscious break-up with lack, though. 

We must dissolve the beliefs that there is not enough. We must get back in touch with our creative desires. We must allow our mind to be renewed and transformed with the energy of infinite possibilities. 

Unless we understand that WE  ARE WORTHY and THERE IS ENOUGH, we will continue to fuel war + suffering.
It’s an extinction program.

Spirit has been teaching me about the Abundance Matrix for the past 5 years. For the first time ever, I’m creating an online course to share everything I’ve learned:

*How to ditch the “owe/earn” mentality of lack and get in flow with the “give/receive” technology of Abundance.
*How to recognize the vibrational difference between lack and abundance.
*The 7 Laws of Astronomical Abundance.
*How to do “The Spell of Astronomical Abundance.”
*The mechanism of the lack matrix  (to avoid the trap of continually reinforcing trauma).
*The spiral technology of abundance (+ how to get in alignment with it).
*How to use synchronicity as abundance technology
*How to tap into your unique Abundance language (to unlock your dormant potential).
*How to recognize shadow contracts (+ dissolve them).
*Tips to easily and effortlessly pivot toward your preference (+ include yourself in the equation of your life).
*Morning + night routines to prime and prep your thoughtscape for more abundance to be stabilized in your resonance.
*How to quickly dissolve “lack” agreements by discovering hidden limiting beliefs + transforming them through Witness.

Course includes:

*Abundance meditations
*Abundance subliminals 
*Access to my private Abundance Matrix Mastermind group (on the Mighty Network).

Pre-register for only $88 (price will go up after release date).

Click here to pre-register + receive access to the Abundance Matrix Mastermind + discount. The Abundance Matrix Digital Course will be released May 18th at full price.

*This is a pre-recorded online digital course. You must have internet to access it.

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