13 Awesome Characteristics of Highly Sensitive People


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a guest blog, but since so many empaths (myself included) often forget the amazing, deeply present and FULL OF LIFE experience they get to have as highly sensitive people, I thought I’d share these reminders (from an incredibly inspiring blog called “The Rebelle Society“).

Here are 13 awesome characteristics of of highly sensitive people (and I’ve added my notes/thoughts about each one):

#1 Intuitive — highly sensitive people tend to be aware of what is happening below the surface, in between the lines and selflovewithout an articulated reasoning.

My note: (this gives us a multi-dimensional/multi-colorful experience in any situation, and if we allow ourselves to use our intuition to learn, we often have rapid personal growth, too!)

#2 An ability to read the vibe — when entering a room, a conversation, a situation or when coming into contact with another person or group of people. Perhaps you can feel what type of mood or conversation was taking place just before you arrived, even if the people who were there are no longer present.

My note: (this allows us to be preemptive when we need to be, which can be a super power in-and-of itself)

#3 Picking up on the subtle perhaps you’re able to respond to someone’s needs or questions before they even ask. Perhaps you can even tell when someone is lying to you o hiding something.

My note: (another useful superpower — this one can save you a lot unnecessary BS)

#4 Empathy for what others are feeling — and this goes beyond just the cordial sentiments, but getting as close to being able to walk a mile in a person’s shoes without ever putting their boots on.

My note: (which gives you the benefit of being able to speed up your own evolution process)

#5 Experiencing the extraordinary — perhaps you’re able to experience, feel and see what is beyond the ordinary…a sound, a sense, a color not yet coined — dare I say magic?

My note: (makes life WAY more enchanting — especially when you allow yourself to engage with your entire, sensitive, soulful being)

#6 Mental telepathy — this one is interesting and I’m still working this out, but it seems that highly sensitive people may have the ability to sense when someone is going to call them, send them a text message, stop over for a visit, or can even pick up on personal messages offered from others while engaging in other conversations.

My note: (this is DEFINITELY true. Once we stop believing the BS that our sensitivities make us weak, we can truly begin telepathy-672x372to open ourselves up to their full potential. In order to do this, however, you have to INCREASE your ability to feel. Most empaths spend their time trying to turn it off. Why would you do that when there is so much AWESOMENESS that can be experienced from it?!)

#7 Storytelling — because of your highly sensitive nature, perhaps you are able to elegantly and graciously use descriptive words to narrate and create the most divine of stories — played, written, painted or through movement.

My note: (again, engaging in life. When empaths come out of hiding and allow themselves to be fully present in their vulnerability and extra-keen senses, magic happens!)

#8 Going solo with confidence — you’re able to be alone without feeling lonely. Sometimes your own company is all you need and want and that’s okay and sometimes even preferred.

My note: (to take this one step further, people who are able to be by themselves are often more intelligent, self-reflective, and creative, because they allow themselves time to be an observer — to consider nuance, subtleties, symbolism, and metaphor. This gives them the advantage of self-actualization, which, is the ultimate goal of life, right? Aren’t we all trying to understand who we are and why we’re here? Empaths, if allowed out of their “protection bubble” have the ability to make their life a stunning work of poetic art).

#9 Above average mindfulness — you’re able to move to the other side of the sidewalk so someone can pass. You’re more than willing to make room for a group of people coming onto the bus or you find yourself making eye contact with a by-passer…all in the name of making it easier for everyone — them and you. Often this trait is default and isn’t something you need to ‘activate’.

My note: (and let’s face it, the world needs more of this!)

#10 Easy to cry — showing our emotions in the form of crying can come easier for us sensitive souls, but it’s also a healthy release of constrictive emotions and thought-patterns — a cleansing of our windows to the soul and our lenses out into the world.

My note: (I could go on-and-on about the benefit of tears, but for now I will just say, WORD. Tears are healing, cleansing, tearsand a powerful way to be fully present in the MOMENT. People who spend years in caves meditating could probably reach enlightenment much quicker if they would allow emotions to be as present as the breath, and let tears lead them into the ultimate purity of nirvana).

#11 Work excellent in a team setting — due to our ability to pick-up on how people are feeling, we’re able to respond to the team’s needs to help them work in the most optimal way.

My note: (people just like you more — ha ha)

#12 Hard working — you tend to be a deep thinker and perhaps a little bit of a perfectionist. Highly sensitive people tend to put everything and a little more into tasks at hands especially projects that others will witness and be involved in.

My note: (feeling deeply in-and-of-itself is hard work. Never let yourself feel lazy if you’re a deep feeler — you’re doing the work, honey — believe me!)

 #13 Easily moved by artistic expression — and if there’s anything that keeps the world’s artists inspired and creativity in full rebellion is having those who are moved by it — and show it.

My note: (nothing worth creating would be possible without those who can respond, emotionally. When it comes to truly engaging with and enjoying life, logic is incredibly overrated).

I hope this list helped you remember how amazingly badass, powerful, expressive, artistic, wise, and special you are.

Thank you for being on the planet. This world would be a robotic nightmare without you!