Empaths Receive Your Inheritance!

Magic Mondays

I’ve been thinking a lot about the leverage points for our current shift. We are entering uncharted waters and many people are clinging like hell to the old matrix of lack, fear, and powerlessness.


We fear the unknown. Deep down we wonder if we are worthy of abundance. We fear the mistakes we’ve made and we haven’t fully validated, forgiven, and shifted our own pain. Our reptilian minds focus intently on survival, and we make fear our constant reality by supporting a mindset of lack as we affirm repeatedly (through our words and actions) that we don’t have enough.

But what if I told you there is a new matrix currently being built by the dreamers, the creators, and those who dare to imagine the world where we THRIVE? It’s much less populated than the matrix of lack and without malicious competition (because there is plenty for all, and those who come KNOW they are sovereign creators and believe it is their birthright to create worlds!).This kingdom is ours for the taking if we would but receive and hold the vibrational reality of its abundance. It’s given by grace and strengthened through faith.

People don’t talk much about faith anymore. We value the mind above hope and put our trust all too easily in the system that is based on a philosophy of lack. Faith requires us to believe that humans can choose love over fear. It asks us to step outside of the naysaying/doomsday prophecies and use our minds to create something new. It dares us to forgive everyone, everywhere, in all timelines and realities — especially ourselves.

Faith can and does move mountains (as they say). Where are you currently investing yours? What matrix are you putting your faith in?

My hope and prayer is that you’ll join me in your thoughts, expectations, and intention, to create a world of abundance.

It already exists. It’s here. You need only receive it.

Let’s do this!

With all the love and gratitude of my heart!



PS. Here’s my latest video, in case you missed it!

Empaths Receive Your Inheritance!

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