5 Ways to Align with the Energies of Fall

Empaths, Spirituality

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Fall is a perfect time to align our own energy with the earth’s changing season. Here are 5 ways to energetically harmonize with the essence of autumn:

*Count your blessings: Fall is a time of harvest, and a perfect fall lovetime to count your blessings. Science has proven that the feeling of gratitude produces an incredibly high frequency in our bodies, and when our vibes are high, we attract more goodness into our lives. As the colder months come and the darkness closes in, having gratitude for the abundant harvest is an excellent way to line-up with our highest potential for the fall. Ring in the season with a gratitude journal and make a commitment to write down daily what you are thankful for.

*Balance your chakras in nature: Fall is one of the most beautiful times of year, and with all the lower chakra colors (red, orange, and yellow) in full bloom, it’s a perfect time to balance, clear, and activated your connection to earth and the physical body. Get out in nature and spend time with the vibrancy of the earth’s final blush before her winter slumber. It’s guaranteed to give your body the energy it needs to take on the longer days of darkness.

*Find a balanced routine: As the days get shorter and the access to direct sunlight depletes, it is important to spend our days in balance. Studies have shown that synching our routine with the sun can greatly increase our mental and emotional stability, as well as balance our circadian rhythms. Balancing our routine with the change in weather patterns and sun exposure will do wonders in helping us feel balanced and healthy for the coming of winter.

*Give: Fall is a time of harvest, a time of abundance – a time to reap what we have sown. Energetically, the time is ripe for giving. As we interact with the bright orange colors of fall, the sacral chakra is activated, and with it, our capacity to give and receive. Autumn is the perfect time to practice the art of giving, which gives our sacral chakra the opportunity to release some of its natural receiving energy which is activated in summer. Additionally, giving makes us feel good, which raises our vibration and puts us in a better energetic position to take on the colder months ahead.

*Embrace your shadows: Traditionally, the fall equinox is known as a time of descending into the underworld. Energetically this looks like going deep into our shadows and understanding the thoughts, intentions, and motivations that lurk in our subconscious mind. It’s a time of embracing all that we are and all that we could be. The earth’s energy during the fall season is the perfect time to do shadow integration.

If we use the energy of the season to balance and align our bodies with nature’s changing tides, we are bound to have a more enjoyable transition into the darkness.

Happy fall, everyone!


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