Next “Writing to Heal” Online Class Begins May 6th!



 © Marmi

© Marmi

Next Class: Monday, May 6th – Sunday, May 26th

Writing to Heal Workshop
I am so excited to be offering my “Writing to Heal” class for the first time online. This is a powerfully restorative class, where you will learn to tap into the wealth of healing and love within you. In this class you will use writing and various spiritual exercises to:
*Unlock your unique healing abilities


*Channel healing energy from higher realms
*Release blocking energy in your mental, physical, and spiritual bodies*Understand and embrace your Shadow*Create your reality with a whole, restored perception of who and what you truly are*Learn Energy healing techniques (heal through focus)*Participate in healing workshops as a class to perform distance healing energy to each other

*Gain a greater perception and appreciation for your personal power

Week One: You are a Healer (and you are not broken). Perfect emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health exists within you at all times, you need only line-up with that version of yourself.

The key to healing is to realize you are well. You are not broken. You are infinitely powerfully, and you have everything you could ever possibly need to do anything to come into alignment with who and what you truly are.  Many religions and even cultural “norms” start with the basic premise that humanity is broken. While living out of alignment with Source (or believing the Ego is the true Self) can certainly make us feel we are separate, broken, and need to be “fixed,” true health and wholeness come from knowing that the Source of All Life exists within you at all times, and is always available to you. You are never alone. You are never separate.

The version of you that is full of radiant health and emotional peace already exists – it exists within the part of you that is always connected to Life – the Source of All Things.  It is impossible for you to be separate from that Source unless you ceased to exist (in this dimension and all others). The feeling of being alone and all the dis-ease that goes along with it ultimately comes from the illusion of being cut-off from Source, and living within that illusion.

The first week of the class is dedicated to helping get to the root of the beliefs that led you to develop a blockage in either your emotional or physical health that caused you to create a feeling of separateness. It’s about getting to the root of the issue.

Week Two: Spiritual Bypassing and Facing the Shadow

The second week we address one of the biggest Tree rootsmisconceptions of the “Love and Light” movement: spiritual bypassing.  True healing and alignment does not come from ignoring or running from the emotions that we have deemed “bad” or “negative.” It’s about validating, feeling, and transmuting ALL emotions.

Facing the shadow self is key to being free from the fear of its looming presence. It helps us to understand there are no “bad” or “good” emotions; from a higher perspective, they are one in the same: both the blissful and the “ouchy” feelings are our teachers and serve to assist us in our expansion.  Bypassing negative or uncomfortable emotions only prolongs the lessons we are to learn from them
Week Three: Seeking first the Kingdom of God/ Love is the Solution for Everything
Week three is all about finding the peaceful paradise that exist within you and bringing it forth into your physical reality. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”  The Kingdom within you is meant to be brought forth; your expression and co-creation of this Kingdom is uniquely yours – it is the way you express God. The world longs for your Truth to be revealed. Your expression of God heals, restores, balances, and expands the Universe.Consciousness is Life Itself and where there is life, there is freedom. True life and true freedom is found within your heart – within alignment with your Higher Self. If you allow yourself to breathe deeply and look within, you will find a kingdom there, waiting for your active participation.During week three we will not only tap into this unique part of you, but learn to use this part of ourselves to sending healing energy to each other.Power of Love (both for Self and Others). Love is the MOST powerful energy in all existence. We will be learning about the very real and measureable energy of love (both within quantum physics and from our personal experiences), what it is, and how it can transform us.It is only through Love that we find true health, love, and wholeness. Love restores us to Who and What we are, because Love created us. Without love, there is separation, and true healing cannot occur without restoration. Love is the answer to everything.*Love always sees the best*Love always believes

*Love never fails

This three week online workshop is only $22!

Space is limited so sign-up today!

Much love and healing to you!

You will receive daily feedback/interaction with Amanda on our online private Facebook forum as you embark on your unique, restorative journey of accessing the realms of Healing Love.

See what others are saying:

“Through the class I have been able to get a lot of healing. Amanda has a keen sensitivity to energies and knows how to bring them out through the writing process via her ‘writing meditations.’ The meditations are a great way to empower and awaken humanity through our own healing process. It’s truly remarkable how this class has helped me in healing deep wounds that I wasn’t aware of until they were brought back up by the meditations. Being able to heal them has been a true gift for my life. Sometimes we act according to beliefs that are based on things from our past, once these beliefs are challenged we are able to emerge into who we really are, our past does not determine our future and we can change the patters of thought and behaviour if we are willing to open up the doors by stepping into the pain and healing it once and for all. I am very grateful for the effort that Amanda has put into the class and how she’s helping to bring conscious awareness to humanity.” Joanna S.
All workshops are conducted online, giving you the flexibility to participate on your own schedule.Disclaimer: Writing to Heal is not a substitute for medical care or an alternative healing modality. It exists simply to help you access and understand your energetic and emotional bodies and the subtle energies therein. 

Click here to register!

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