How to Receive

Empaths, Online Classes, Quantum Empowerment, Uncategorized

This past week I’ve been preparing for my “11 Day Emotional Detox (whichGenielamps  starts on Jan 1st) and came up against residual receiving blocks/old emotional wounds.

These particular past beliefs/programs had been healed but not cleared out of my auric field. Old thoughts/programs show up in weird ways, and rather than tackling them for another go around, it’s imperative to simply release — let them die — and to RECEIVE the upgraded conscious perspective. 

To die is to be reborn, but old beliefs operate so efficiently to create and recreate the same story that we must be conscious about which beliefs we allow to take residence in our lives. Clearing an old program is simply to let it die, every time in comes up, until eventually, the neural pathway is undone.

Clearing out old beliefs only becomes hard if we have an emotional attachment to the storyline — the death requires us to trust that the new version of our story is actually better for us — because it is TRUE for us NOW.

Death of old perspectives is a crucial step to receive the fullness of our heart’s restoration (remember, we attract at the frequency we vibrate, and EMOTIONS attract faster and more accurately to our deepest beliefs than any practice or thought).

Sometimes we have to allow aspects of our thoughts/consciousness to die, so weSun shine can receive the “upgraded” parts of ourselves we’ve been praying for.

Receiving the upgrade is rapture. Here it all makes sense. Here we come from the heart. Here we forgive. Here we trust. Here we embody the greatest and most powerful form of Love: Self-Love. Here we remember we are all one.
It may sound simple, but if we don’t know how to receive (or confront our blocks to receiving) we can unwittingly sabotage our efforts in lining-up with our heart’s true passions/desires.

It gets wonky when we’re this close — really knowing how to use Universal Energies/Consciousness and feeling deeply into our emotional body — because everything is amplified. We have a tremendous amount of energy we’ve tapped into (Source itself) but if we don’t fully trust ourselves with it (or trust the Source from whence it came) we’re liable to get some serious backlash (namely, our own). Nothing we can’t clean up instantly, of course (it’s all about the NOW, after all), but hidden fears or repressed guilt/shame are the two biggest factors in blocking our progress (and they can be incredibly painful blocks too, because at this point, we’ve built up incredible, conscious momentum).

The heart is key. If we can’t trust love (our ability to receiveempath magic and give love) we will never be the truly powerful creators/avatars we know to be.

Your kingdom is only as big as your auric field is allowed to grow.

Think of RECEIVING/TRUST as a prerequisite to embodiment of our heart’s true home.

Happy Thursday!

PS. This audio is from my “Empathic Communication” online class — thought it might be helpful.